Organisation Change Management

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What is change Management?

 In simple terms change management is a process of and approach to transition of organisations to desired future state.

 Present competitive and fast changing environment driven by globalization of markets and technology, forces organisations to change over time if they are to survive.  The change can not be done overnight hence, the change management is a process of planning and implementing desired change in organizations to minimize employee resistance, cost and maximizing the effectiveness of the change effort.

What are the types of Change adopted by organisation?
  • ·Evolutionary change or adaptation- Significant change to the organisation
  • ·Development change- Enhance and correct  the current state of the   organisation
  •  Transitional change- to achieve different state from existing state
  • ·Drastic & revolutionary change- Immidiate and significantly new state
  • ·Transformational change- change of culture, process , structure and strategy from where it began

When organisations are adopting change management at some point of time it will have an impact of one or more of the following
  • ·        Processes
  • ·        Organisational Structure
  • ·        Processes & Systems
  • ·        Job roles & employees

What are the key steps in change management?
  • ·        Understanding the current state of the organization.
  • ·        Clearly define the change and align it to the organisations goals
  • ·        Determine the impact of change and the areas affected
  • ·        Develop a good communication strategy for all stake holders
  • ·        Provide necessary effective training & knowledge
  • ·        Implement a support structure
  • ·        Measure the change process

What are the challengers for change management?
  • Lack of communication.
  • Change does not make sense to stakeholders
  • No involvement and lack of support from employees in the change process: .
  • Insufficient time to process change.
  • Multiple changes in a short time frame.
  • Unrealistic timelines.
  • Past experiences.
To successfully manage the change, organisations need to understand that employees deal with change at different rates. However frequent change within a short time can result in feelings of change overload to employees and hence the organisations should adapt to changes with minimum disruption and stress to the employees to make it successful.

Gilley, Ann. The Manager as Change Leader. Praeger, 2005.

"The Industry Isn't Changing. It Has Changed!" Beef. 13 March 2006.

Lawler III, Edward E. and Christopher G. Worley. "Winning Support for Organizational Change: 
Designing employee reward system that keep on working." Ivey Business Journal Online. March-April 2006.

Murray, Art and Kent Greenes. "The Enterprise of the Future." KMWorld. March 2006.

Schneider, Dan. "It's a Leader's Duty to Manage Change." Business Record (Des Moines). 20 February 2006.

Schraeder, Mike, Paul M. Swamidass, and Rodger Morrison. "Employee Involvement, Attitudes and Reactions to Technology Changes." Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies. Spring 2006.

Wallington, Patricia M. "Making Change." CIO. 1 April 2000.

Wischenvsky, J. Daniel and Fariborz Damanpour. "Organizational Transformation and Performance: An examination of three perspectives." Journal of Managerial Issues. Spring 2006.


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