The Ethical Context of HRM

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Ethics and HRM

As per, Winstanley, Woodall and Heery (1996), ‘Ethics is a special section of philosophy that connects with morality, that is concepts such as good and bad, right and wrong ; fairness and righteousness’.

Business ethics deals with the degree and extent of morality to be used in business (UKEssays, Ethics and Human Resource Management, 2017). 

As per Johnson (2003), All practices of Human Resource carry an ethical foundation to it and deals with the practical consequences of same.

The present world focus more on ethical leadership. A relationship between business and its employees is now connected with the employment contract. The principle of ethical selection is followed by an ethical organization for hiring prospective employees.

 In accordance to this an organization is mainly focused on hiring a person who can commit him or herself to contribute the maximum towards increasing the long-term value of the business.

 According to this principle, factors like gender, age, nationality and religion are not relevant for hiring a person (UKEssays, Ethics and Human Resource Management, 2017).

Ethics in HRM confirms the obligation an employer has towards its employees in maintaining equality and equity justice.

 As per UKEssays, Ethics and Human Resource Management, 2017, areas of Human Resource Ethics can be identified as following.

  1. ·         Basic human rights as job security, civil and employment fights
  2. ·         Safety to life in workplace
  3. ·         Privacy
  4. ·         Respect, fairness and honesty

Furthermore as per Resource Management Institute, Ethics (2013) states, the role of Human Resources in connection with promoting of Ethics as stated below;

1.      Improving of recruitment process and selection process
2.      Training
3.      Proper performance appraisals
4.      Rewards
5.      Disciplinary process
Unethical practices of Human Resources is considers as follows;

1.     For  Employers
a.      Controlling of Unions
b.      Biased appraisals, selections and transfers
c.       Child labour
d.      Inflexible working hours
e.      Physical violence

2.    For  Employees
a.      False personal information
b.      Taking decisions on personal grounds

3.      For Government
a.      Announcement of vacancies without further planning

Ethical Issues connected to an organization (UKEssays, Ethics and Human Resource Management, 2017).

  • 1.       Safety and Health
  • 2.       Face to face ethics
  • 3.       Corporate policy ethics
  • 4.       Communication
  • 5.       Employee Relations
  • 6.       Insecurity
  • 7.       Risk
  • 8.       Surveillance and control 

Despite these appreciations made on Human Resource Management, there is a tradition in all businesses that there should not be a connection between ethics and businesses. As per Milton Friedman in The Business of Business is Business (1970) stated, that the social responsibility of any business in the world is to its shareholders.


Friedman, M., 1970,”The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits, New York Times Magazine”

Johnson, R., 2003, “HR must embrace ethics, People Management”
Resource Management Institute, “Ethics”, 2013 Available 
from<>[5th January 2019]

UKEssays, “Ethics and Human Resource Management”, By Amanda Rose, 2017 Available from<> [5th January 2019]

INSlidShare, “Ethics in Human Resource Management”, Available from< >[6th January  2019]


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